Work environment counselling - keep your employees healthy
At Jaegersborg work environment, we hold courses and offer counselling about ergonomics and work environment in English.
Office ergonomics
Presentation in groups
Receive a one hour presentation and learn how to adjust your workplace and how to get good habits in order to keep healthy throughout the day.
Following the joint presentation, the employees return to their own workstation and organize it according to the guidelines.
The consultant is available for further short help after the presentation, for those who still have needs for counselling either because of pain, special tasks or the like.
If there is no possibility to have a joint presentation, you can acquire the consultant to give longer lasting individual sessions instead.
Ergonomic cleaning course
Make sure your cleaning assistants/maids are well instructed. Book an ergonomic cleaning course, and learn good cleaning technique, how to adjust the equipment and how to organize the work.
Work out in the workplace
Wondered what all the fuzz is about with pausegymnatics and training with elastics?
Have a session with a fysiotherapist that introduce you to the concept.
You can choose just to try it, get started or have us come every week and instruct you. We can supply you with all you need to get started and keep on going.
Ergonomic workplace assessment
Have your different tasks and work technique assessed, and receive counselling, courses or other relevant actions to ensure that the work is done in a safe and healthy way.
APV arbejdspladsvurdering - in english
Workplace assessment / Health and safety risk assessment
In Denmark it is statutory to make a Health and safety risk assessment. It should be made every 3 year or if you make any major changes in the work/workplace.
Let us help you make a good Health and safety risk assessment, or guide you with any other of the requirements from The Danish Working Environment Authority (WEA)