Courses and presentations
These are our most popular courses and presentations
Book a presentation or course on how to take care of the body in the office workplace. Get good control of interior design, organization, working positions and equipment.
Get a good presentation or course for maids, cleaning assistants and caretakers on good cleaning ergonomics, equipment, cleaning techniques and organization of work.
Plumbing, gardener, fitter, kitchen work - do you work with manual work? Book a presentation or course on how to take care of the body in the workplace. Get good control of interior design, organization, work technique and equipment.
Book an physiotherapist and give your employees a presentation/course lifting and working technique, working postures, interior design and use and adjust equipment and tools.
Presentation or course for employees who want to focus on staying healthy through a long working life. What type of diet and exercise does your particular job require of you?
Order a presentation or course for fitters, salesmen and consultants who have a lot of driving in everyday life. Learn to take care of yourself when the car is your workplace.
Good lighting - how?
Skal I have ny belysning, eller bare vide hvordan man indretter sig bedst muligt? Book et foredrag om at indrette med lys så mennesker trives, om vores forskllige behov for lys, om at vælge lyskilder og armaturer og om hormonpåvirkning ved lys.